Rebalance, Refresh with Rotary..........the 3 R project.
Our new governor for Hawaii, Naomi Matsuno was concerned about the stress of COVID on our community including our Rotary Members. She with Lynn Goya, and Bridget Bongaard, brainstormed to launch a program once a month where Rotarians can gather and learn new concepts for stress reduction, including meditation, QiGong for enhancing lung function, Gardening as a stress release, Healthy energy drinks, and more. Each month 3 or 4 different Rotarians present their ideas to share. This upcoming month we have: how to do a vision board to fix your inner goals, Uncertainty and how to deal with this, Aromatherapy for relaxation and more.. Tune in for these sessions at 5pm the first Friday of the month. Naomi usually sends out an email with the Zoom ID and password a week before the session is due.
Our new governor for Hawaii, Naomi Matsuno was concerned about the stress of COVID on our community including our Rotary Members. She with Lynn Goya, and Bridget Bongaard, brainstormed to launch a program once a month where Rotarians can gather and learn new concepts for stress reduction, including meditation, QiGong for enhancing lung function, Gardening as a stress release, Healthy energy drinks, and more. Each month 3 or 4 different Rotarians present their ideas to share. This upcoming month we have: how to do a vision board to fix your inner goals, Uncertainty and how to deal with this, Aromatherapy for relaxation and more.. Tune in for these sessions at 5pm the first Friday of the month. Naomi usually sends out an email with the Zoom ID and password a week before the session is due.

Rebalance, Refresh with Rotary..........the 3 R project.
Our new governor for Hawaii, Naomi Matsuno was concerned about the stress of COVID on our community including our Rotary Members. She with Lynn Goya, and Bridget Bongaard, brainstormed to launch a program once a month where Rotarians can gather and learn new concepts for stress reduction, including meditation, QiGong for enhancing lung function, Gardening as a stress release, Healthy energy drinks, and more. Each month 3 or 4 different Rotarians present their ideas to share. This upcoming month we have: how to do a vision board to fix your inner goals, Uncertainty and how to deal with this, Aromatherapy for relaxation and more.. Tune in for these sessions at 5pm the first Friday of the month. Naomi usually sends out an email with the Zoom ID and password a week before the session is due.
Our new governor for Hawaii, Naomi Matsuno was concerned about the stress of COVID on our community including our Rotary Members. She with Lynn Goya, and Bridget Bongaard, brainstormed to launch a program once a month where Rotarians can gather and learn new concepts for stress reduction, including meditation, QiGong for enhancing lung function, Gardening as a stress release, Healthy energy drinks, and more. Each month 3 or 4 different Rotarians present their ideas to share. This upcoming month we have: how to do a vision board to fix your inner goals, Uncertainty and how to deal with this, Aromatherapy for relaxation and more.. Tune in for these sessions at 5pm the first Friday of the month. Naomi usually sends out an email with the Zoom ID and password a week before the session is due.