Rotary Club of Maui On the Move!
As our first Service project for the Rotary year 2019-2020, our club members banded together with neighbors, to start a Back to School Supply Drive for Teachers and Keiki in Need in conjunction with Sarah Sorenson of Wishing Well. We added to our first collection drive with a second one organized by Shareen Sekoya, and had over 88 different items including 24 backpacks, 33 boxes of crayons ( and more types art supplies), calculators, over 100 notebooks of all sorts, paper, hi-lighters, an area rug for children to gather on, hand sanitizers, construction paper, whiteboard, glues, pencils, pens, folders, and in all....88 different types of supplies!! Sarah will come to our Rotary Meeting this Wednesday to meet us to say thanks, and talk about students and teachers in need.